Eco-friendly power supply for the eco-friendly vehicle
Get solar panels on the roof and an environmentally friendly power supply in the vehicle. It is the cleaner alternative for onboard power in your vehicle. At Clayton Power, we can easily help our customers reduce the expensive idling time and thus reduce fuel spend. This green solution becomes profitable and furthermore the CO2 emission can be reduced.

Sunshine in London per year
Sunshine in Berlin per year
Yearly saved fuel
Yearly carbon reduction
Flexible charging is good business
As an example, there are approx. 2100 hours of sunshine in London per year and 2800 in Berlin per year. The flexible solar panels can supply energy to the LPS battery system even on a cloudy day. The LPS can be recharged with up to 400W per hour from the solar panels. The LPS recharges fast both from the solar panels and from the vehicle while it is driving. This combination ensures a consistent recharge. You do not have to keep the vehicle idling at the side of the road or use a smelly and noisy generator.
If you have 500 hours of sunshine in one year and you recharge with 200W per hour, it will be the equivalent of approx. 200 hours of idling to get the same recharging on the LPS battery system, as you have got from the solar panels. In this case, the return of investment is approx. 2 year for the solar panels.

The green solution is profitable – also for you
Companies and local governments are already conscious of CO2 emission and thus selecting a green solution. The choice is a lot easier though, when you know that you can both carry out your daily work and at the same time have a profitable solution. We have examples of both small and large fleets which have a more efficient workday with the LPS. They have reduced fuel spend for the vehicle, the generator, and the compressor by selecting a vehicle with environmentally friendly equipment. We can also help you go green.

Flexible Solar Panels:
117 x 68 cm 160 W sFlex Solar Panel
The LPS battery system comes in three models
1500 W, 2500 W and 3000 W. With optional fittings for installation inside your van. A remote control is also available for switching 12 V and 230 V on/off and checking the battery status. 1500 W and 2500 W have 1 kWh battery capacity, and 3000 W has 2 kWh.
Configure your power kit now.
Easy access to 230 V and 12 V power - everywhere!
LPS. All-in-one mobile power